Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 7 - Cranky Stir Fry

It's been 7 days, 5 hours and 21 minutes since I had my last cigarette!!!!

Quitting "cold turkey" is tough!!! Other methods of quitting such as the gum....or the patch....provide your body with doses of the very drug you're addicted to. The primary withdrawals you go through are not adhering to the pyschological triggers associated with the actual act of lifting a smoke to your lips. It makes me wonder these measures REALLY help you get over the actual addiction to nicotine itself. A recent study that I read....which was conducted in Australia.....concluded that those who attempt to quit by utilizing smoking cessation aides have absolutely no heightened success rate to those who attempt to quit cold turkey. The study points out that pharmaceutical companies are raking in billions of dollars in sales associated with these products. Crazy. day 7 went very well. I really only had 1 major craving....which occurred at around 10 a.m. this morning. It went away in just a few minutes.......but in the interim....I really wanted a cigarette. I didn't want one nearly bad enough to actually consider smoking.....but it was still an irritating feeling nonetheless!

I do find that I still have the habit of thinking it's time to smoke. A few times today (as is true of the previous days of my "quit") I would finish a task....and then automatically almost turn to go outside to have a cigarette. I wasn't even craving one.......I was acting more out of habit than anything. The human brain is fascinating. I'm sure this will subside over time. What do they say....twenty one days to break a habit? Something like that.

I drank tons of water today. That helps. I also went to the gym. After my workout...I went to the grocery store and grabbed some healthy food for dinner. I think the simple act of not smoking actually allows you to view yourself in a different light. For me personally....I start to feel a higher degree of personal pride. Working out & eating right are the natural next steps wouldn't you say? When I went through hypnosis a few years ago....the hypnotist remarked that smokers tend to have the worst eating habits. I think that may very well be true! I don't think there is one fast food restaurant in the entire country that I could drive thru where they wouldn't recognize my face!! Yowsah!!!

So....I made veggie stir fry tonight with shrimp and chicken! Very healthy....and very tasty. During my cooking escapade....I did snap at my housemate. I was feeling unexplainably anxious....and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Never really know when the mood swings are gonna come up.....or what will trigger them. I just have to take peace in the knowledge that my cranky spells will subside soon.....and my housemate will be able to live without fear once again!

I'm feeling strong!!! My body feels soooooooooooooo much better already!! I never want to go back to nicotine!!!!!

One week down..........


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