My Quit Smoking Diary

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Day 13 - Yet another attempt! since my last blog effort....I've quit smoking on a few different occasions. I'm trying. My latest quit/start of any significance was a 3 month gig....which ended on November 15th at a birthday party for a friend where I'd had a few drinks. A cigarette sounded so good. Inhibitions were down. That's where the story ends.....EVERYTIME. Once again it was at that fatal 3 month mark. That's where I really seem to struggle.

SO......on March 16th I tried something new. I purchased and listened to Hypnosis CD's to assist me in quitting. As of 8 p.m. last night, I've begun day 13 without a cigarette. The nice thing about hypnosis is that it takes away most of the withdrawal type stuff. I didn't get bitchy.....or anxious or any of that stuff. I did get a little tired a few times during the first week without nicotine....and during the first couple of days I felt a little "foggy" maybe my mind wasn't as sharp as it should be.

I will say though....that I have had some cravings. According to the CD I really shouldn't be having them......but off and on they've come along. Yesterday was a rough day for cravings. However, when I look back at this blog....I see that day 12 was a rough day during that attempt as well.

The hardest days are behind me. Now I just have to remain focused (especially at the 3 month timeframe) so I can push through this thing. My CD's have a reinforcement hypnosis segment that I'm gonna listen to. Can't hurt.